Iridology is the science and practice of interpreting the iris patterns as it relates to levels of health. It reveals the existence of damaged tissue, degree of abnormality, and its location. As organs and glands become weaker well-defined marks and color changes become visible. As tissues regenerate healing patterns, in the iris, become visible. Iridology is one of the reflex systems that operate in the body.
Pre-clinical observation: Iridology is able to determine pre-clinical conditions and therefore valuable in prevention. Especially since chronic diseases take time before they manifest into major symptoms.
Discovery of iridology: As a youth Ignatz von Peczely accidentally broke an owls’ leg and instantly saw black line appear in its’ iris. Later, as a medical doctor he noticed patients irides were different after accidents and surgery. He pioneered iris analysis creating the first iridology chart in the 1880’s
Causes & correctives: today science shows that the human body is deficient in nutrients and rich in a mixture of microbes, toxins and manmade chemicals resulting in cellular deterioration. The plant kingdom has historically been used to correct these imbalances and build stronger cells.