Make Todays Decision Good for 7 Generations
"Iroquois Nation"
This website provides education and product research in Western Natural Sciences as it relates to enhanced agriculture, improved health, alternate health analysis, application of herbal formulation and protocols, and existing advanced technologies.
The objective is to find government or private institutions that are interested in education and product research.
It is my objective to offer (Gratis) to teach natural sciences in Ecuador. My interest y background is in enhanced y valuable agriculture to medicinal plants to practical application to human health to product manufacture. This will include education and devising of test methods. These range from .....
The concept is to make available various technologies to university/colleges/ government agencies and then determine which should be pursued.
In the partnership the goal is to take a product concept through scientific verification of efficiency, prototype development through to manufacture and sales.
The method relies on availability of interested parties to take a concept to completion using government/university scientist-engineers and business graduates. With the help of professors the programs will expose and young graduates to writing scientific papers, cooperation with various disciplines and have business school developed a business "from the ground up” Similar to programs at American universities. The result is professor’s y graduates with practical knowledge of business start up procedures. They will graduate with practical skills, which is always desirable.
Goal is to achieve graduates that have practical skill in
Partner with
Service selection
Partner ships
Practical work
Scientific papers
Business thesis
John Butters Biography
1760 North Frances Blvd.
Tucson, AZ 85712
WhatsApp: +1 310 2913129
Born: Oxford, Great Britain 24 May 1949
Education: Bridge school, Whitefrias School, Carnegie Private school.
Colindale community college
Degrees from: New Jersey Institute of Technology
BSChE 1979
MSc 1981
Additional schooling:
Darkfield Microscope by Coyle, TMI Iridology class
Owner: John Butters Originals
Health analysis, lecturer, formulations
Engineering Experience:
Heat transfer equipment for power, refinery and chemical industries
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